Family-run business notches 15 years

Busniss owners 15 year anniversary

First opening their doors in a low-set office building in Lavelle Street in 2003, much has changed for the team at LJ Hooker Nerang over the last 15 years.

Growing to a team of more than 40 full-service property specialists, becoming the #1 provider of real estate solutions in the suburb and surrounding Hinterland, scores of brand and industry awards and moving to a multi-storey, purpose-built facility in New Street last year, LJ Hooker Nerang has always been focusing on how to better service its customers.

And the driving force of success has been the longevity of its leadership team.

LJ Hooker Nerang Principal Shane Colquhoun, his wife Leonie, mother Patsy and long-time Sales Manager Chris Pittaway, have been at the forefront of the business from the start.

Mr Colquhoun said the milestone had crept up, quickly.

"The time has flashed by but when you take five minutes to sit down and reflect on 15 years, you appreciate how far we've come and what’s been achieved," said Mr Colqhuhoun.

"The success of a business rests with the people involved: both inside and outside its walls.

"The business has been fortunate to have had customers - many of which we’ve worked with since we hung the shingle at Lavelle Street - who have turned into our advocates.

"And the business has benefited from having the same people leading the team over the duration, as well. You need more than continuity to be successful in business, but it certainly sets a strong platform for success.”

Mr Colquhoun said the culture of the family-run business was shared from the front reception to the back door.

"We're a family-run business and though Chris doesn't share our name, he's been here from the start and practically part of the family," said Mr Colquhoun.

"And the family culture which has been embraced through the corridors of the office. We have lot of staff who have been here for several years and that's respected by our customers."

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